Posts filed under 'briggs'
There is no such thing as information overload, only filter failure In today’s world of technology it can be easy to get lost amongst the sea of information, emails, social media, etc.. The key to staying afloat is organizing your online life. first and foremost, organize your email account(s). Something as simple as logging into […]
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March 22nd, 2012
Video Journalism If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million. video captures the whole story; it immerses the viewer in the moment and conveys the story of the subject in a way which not even photography can. The advent of cheap digital video cameras and free video-editing software […]
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March 22nd, 2012
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words A photograph can convey a story in a real and personal way that no amount of writing can. In todays world of smart phones everyone is a journalist, and everyone is a photographer. Readers have come to expect photographs supplementary to writing and its important that you are able […]
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February 23rd, 2012
Going Mobile A smart phone is the most useful tool a journalist can have in todays world. The news is happening all around you all the time, and a smart phone allows you to be prepared for it at any moment. You can easily share photographs and video as well as microblog as it is […]
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February 23rd, 2012
Microblogging What It Is: Microblogging service allows users to instantly publish short texts, usually no longer than 140 characters, with links to other websites, pictures, and video. Most importantly, it can be done from almost anywhere, including a mobile device. EX: TWITTER What It Means to Journalism: Because it is so easily accessible, it allows […]
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February 18th, 2012
Bringing Journalism Closer to Readers, and Readers Closer to Journalism 3 new reporting methods: Crowdsourcing: the term borrows from the concept of outsourcing. Reporters and news agencies open up the research process to the community, allowing them to assist in the process and provide insight and perspective not easily achieved by a reporter. The opinions […]
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February 17th, 2012
How to Write a Successful Blog 8 tips to help get the most out of your blog organize your ideas. outline and plan your thoughts before putting them down. A confusing page makes for a confused reader. confused readers move on to other pages. be direct. keep your sentences short and simple. blog entries should […]
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February 5th, 2012
Knowing the Web If you want to get out all that you can from the internet, you have to understand what it can do for you. Here’s a list of a few key terms, as laid out by Briggs… RSS Feeds stands for really simple syndication. allows you to subscribe to an information feed that […]
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February 5th, 2012
Journalism is NOT dead! People are always talking about journalists like they are the last of a dying breed, but Briggs makes it a point to dispel this myth. Journalism is not dying, it is evolving and it is improving. At the turn of the last century, the emergence of the telephone service shook the field […]
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February 5th, 2012