Briggs; Journalism Next: Chapter 2

February 5, 2012

How to Write a Successful Blog

8 tips to help get the most out of your blog

  1. organize your ideas. outline and plan your thoughts before putting them down. A confusing page makes for a confused reader. confused readers move on to other pages.
  2. be direct. keep your sentences short and simple. blog entries should vary in length, but should never be too long.
  3. present your personality. pick a particular topic or area, and stick to it. Your readers will know what to expect and it’ll give you the opportunity to claim a niche.
  4. make your posts scannable. bullets and number lists are a great way to do this. It’ll make scanning your page easier on the reader.
  5. use specific headlines. it’ll help your reader know what to expect and it’ll help make your page easier to locate in a search.
  6. try to post to your blog as often as possible. If a reader comes to your page multiple times to find that nothing has changed, they may just move on to one that has.
  7. read other blogs. They’ll help you stay on top of whats going on and will offer constant inspiration.
  8. set up an RSS feed!!!

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