Extra Credit Workshop

May 8, 2012

BBC 5 Shot Method


Every new video journalist needs to have at least some basic knowledge of video production. The news is all around us and you never know when a story might erupt right before you. You need to be prepared to shoot on a moments notice and there are two things that can equip you for this:

  1. A smartphone (my personal preference is the iPhone)
  2. Basic knowledge of the BBC 5 Shot method

In the workshop given by Jake, we learned the basic steps to creating engaging and interesting shot variety:

  1. Medium shot: focuses on the subject but gives a view of the surroundings
  2. Close-up shot: typically best to focus on the face of your subject
  3. Closer shot: move in even closer on a detail (ex: hands typing)
  4. Over-the-shoulder shot: this shot is in the perspective of the subject
  5. Final shot: pan the general area. this acts as a transition to the next segment



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