Joel Achenbach: I Really Need You to Read This Article, Okay?
February 14, 2012
What the Internet is Doing to Journalism
In his article, Joel Achenbach discusses the transformation journalism and journalists have undergone in order to survive on an online platform
What’s more important, newsworthiness or “eyeballs”? Many online journalists have compromised substance for whatever hot topic will pull in the most viewers.
But what does that mean for journalism? if the future of journalism is online, and online journalism favors stories about celebrity dogs, is that all that people will read in the future?
Achenbach makes it a point to distinguish between good reporting and just plain marketing, and I have to agree with him. Journalists shouldn’t tailor what news is considered newsworthy to the number of eyeballs it’ll draw in. news is news.
Entry Filed under: comm361,deena elrashed. Posted in comm361 ,deena elrashed Tags: achenbach article, personal blog item.
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